Blame my irregular posts on writers block or my usual busy schedule at office or my innate laziness...but the fact remains that I have been unusually irregular...for a long long long time now. Well I have been doing a considerable amount of thinking all this while. So this is what I figured out about myself...out in the open for the world to see and love hate or despire or simply to admire the satan queen :P
Things that have earned me a good name...there aren't many and it took a lot of time to even figure out these-
* Sincere at work. No kidding at this one! Work my ass off...with a little help from small fag breaks...keeps the brain alive and running.
* Equality is the motto! If you are breathing you are worth respecting. Give respect get respect.
* The freaking heart looks harsh and strong but I can bet my ass that I will be the only one standing when the entire world turns it back on you. Literally. Try me. Did someone say mum'z d word?! ass!!!
* Doubt my capability. Which helps ensure that I give my best but is quiet a pain too...
* My silly sense of humor...maybe its over-ranked because people that I'm surrounded with are duds!...saweeee!
* Kick-ass attitude. Yup I can wrestle with ya or do you prefer a word game?...I'm still gonna win...
So much for self-praise...now comes the dirty stuff!
What lands me in trouble?
* The heart refuses to not to love people...even though I have realized that people at work can not neccessarily be termed as friends...im working on this one...
* Fight for those who don't speak up for themselves. It's a different thing that they get a long lecture on self esteem later on from me! Nevertheless it does not neccessarily earns me a good name...but then again...who cares!
* Find it hard to say No! Did someone say working till late night???!@#$@#@!%
* Too easy to win me over...few caring words...little consideration or mayb loads of it...and I love you already! Fake praise however will take you nowhere!
What gives birth to my famous ( or shall I say not-so-famous) temper?
* Liars! lie and you are dead before you can realize it!
* Hypocrites. Don't like me? It's awlrite...the feeling is mutual. But good that you were honest about it or else read the point mentioned above!
* Selfishness...uhuhmmm....I have done the world a lot of good...there aren't many selfish people I know...maybe thats because I have been hunting them and killing them :)
* Eve teasers. Not worth talking about. The famous incident about me kicking a guy is still ripe in my memory...bet its gonna remain ripe in his memory and yours too.
* MCP or male chauvinistic pigs! Fine you can piss while standing but is there anything else that you can do that a girl can't do...and that too equally good if not better? Knowledegable enough to know the existence of the word "EQUALS"???
* When a stronger or more powerful person takes advantage of their position to do wrong to someone whose not in a position to stand up for their right.
How do I calm my temper?
* Abuses. Some scientific theory states that abusing is good for health and I was always a fitness freak...
* Kicking...punching...whatever...you need some explanation for it because i can give a hands-on experience in this one...i believe in spreading the knowledge and what better way to learn than a practical lesson?
* Usually the above two work well enough. So never really had to think of a third way to calm down. I'm a simple girl ;)
What turns me on?
* Intelligence. Not good looking but got the brains...bring it on!
* Great dressing sense. Uhuhm....i know clothes are usually meant to be taken off but if they look great then its even better! ( don't ya dare judge me!!!)
* Power. It has a funny turn-on ability. You don't have to be the prime minister! If you are well admired in your field...its good enough.
* Amazing dancer? Chances are I am already ogling at you!
Important note- All right now, before your dirty mind starts moving in the wrong direction refer to second last point of "what gives birth to my famous temper"!
Is the insanity associated with satan queen justified? Maybe, maybe not...read on and make up your mind.
* I can be agonizingly indecisive especially while shopping. Give me two shirts of same color size pattern and I will still take minimum of 15 minutes to select one. ( If you are thinking I'm crazy...then yes im a little insane but helloooo! I gotta check for any defects! obviously!)...but this otherwise troublesome habit has ensured that mostly I don't have to regret the decisions that I have made.
* Yet I can be quiet impulsive. It takes a fraction of a second for me to abuse a person whose doing wrong...and not neccessarily to me.
* I'm a brave sould. Not that I don't get scared but I can overcome the feeling and take the plunge. Quiet strong as my friends put it.
* I can abuse shout and kick people and win the fight against those who are doing wrong. Once back home in my room...i do shed a tear or two...ok ...maybe more...what the fck!!!
* Lastly...I'm a girl whose actually a boy...gets attracted to guys yet am straight...
Confused? Dont be! At the end of the day im a girl whose as strong as any guy is...ambitious( Does climbing a tree counts as reaching new heights?)...workoholic ( gives this wierd satisfaction...can't help being one)...laughs like there is not tommorow ( saying that I laugh like a hyena would be appropriate)...Dance at the slightest reflection of music ( shake your booty baby!who cares if I'm not as good as britney or shakira! shake it nywayz...!)...little random maybe because I got too many thoughts (ah! work again!)...indianized version of agony aunt( read love guru!)for close friends...yes yes honey we will discuss you love life after this blog post is over...
Well, thats about it for now....and you thought its easy being Satan Queen! Phew!
good work woman...... liked ur style of writing...though must agree couldn read it with a lot of attention(was a lil preoccupied)but even then couldn help but leave a comment here(also not because of the reason that my purple tougue started dangling as soon as i came to know u are a woman)don get me wrong... but its nice to see ppl penning down idea so beautifully..... keep up with the good work... will keep visiting your blog to see the same promising work... all the best.
My thoughts on your analysis -
Sincere at work (Really! Ask your manager about it)
Kick-ass attitude.(Are you sure you've misspelled Kiss as Kick?)
Intelligence. Not good looking but got the brains...bring it on! (Yeah...last saturday she was dating a Dork)
...I'm a girl whose actually a boy...gets attracted to guys yet am straight...Confused? Dont be!(I am not...what about you?)
Moral of the story: You should never ask a friend to read your blog whom you pester the whole day :o)
u must be that gal who nearly killed me when i last had my last nighmare ;)
seriously wats wrong wit most of the female folks like u out there when it comes to portraying ur anti-manhood ideas? there are many like u... but atleast u tried to look different... nd i loved ur pic of satan queen...
i liked ur poetry except for the poem u write abt bullshit :P
u entertained me well atleast milady !!
Wow , thats 1 hell of a self analysis. Never knew people have so much in depth knowledge of themselves. May be i never looked in to inner self . Learned something from you today . GR8 blog it is Miss Satan Queen. Have a question ?? . Satan queen ?? Y do you like being bad ??
"self analysis"
devi(L).. :P
u havnt lost your touch yet.. ;)
nice how-to-describe you blog buddy ..keep smiling :)
jayasrApart from keeping up the golden tradition of being La Satan Queen...Thank you for entertaining me so well. It was a very crisply written, consistently attractive piece of work...waiting for many more
@ clueless...thanks man and hey...n must say purple tongue is quiet funky! ;)
@unknown user...u remain unknown to me dodo singh!...will be soon visiting you...keep your helmet ready!
@ rao..well mildly is good enough for starters. gives me the motivation to be better next time.
@vj...not sure if everyone analyses deeply. it might be the fact that im left with no work most of the time other than to think about the 'important' stuff!
@ suraj and jaya..u guys spoil me rotten!
@golden...thanks for the golden words...a smile it is! :)
OH u may be irregular but u not only read urself too well u put it out in front of the world quite well with a lil humour here n there and i think thats how one should take life!!! Its takes a lot of courage to call onself Satan when the whole world is busy being the Angel .... great read ..n also thanks for ur comments on my artwork ..
satan's queenz smokin hot! {satan.. hell.. hot.. getit? sigh.. puns suck)
Good read. And that was impressively elaborate [:)]
And i'm glad (and shocked) to know someone still reads my infrequently updated blog..
Methanks, my liege!
whew thats a helluva lot to digest for first time vistor!!!! well dont know what to say abt ur post, but bet, i was hooked to every word....
Great blog and i must say keep up the kick-ass attitude satan (oops queen).
Hmm seems like you are true blooded Libra to the T.
hey thanks for that enlightening comment of war-and-peace proportions.
My WQ went by 10 points by simply reading it. I replied to it but got beat quite bad in the word count.
Oh and you are a terrific writer. I like the witty humor indispersed in your thoughts. Too bad you dont write more often. Would love to read more.
@aninda...thank you! thats some heavy praise there and even though im not really worth it just strokes my ego nicely!...n psst..lil secret...i really am a satan! sachiii!:) so i wasn't being courageous just plain honest!
@anand...dude believe me...elaborate is my first namE!jes! not even second...but firsT! yikes! and therefore you guys dropping in a comment AFTER reading the post is a real biggie for me!
@new philosopher...welcome to this crazy blog! and thanks for the great morale booster in the form of your comment!
@ che...the pleasure was all mine! Your post was brilliantly written and was quiet delightful to read ! about the word count...lemme use the line i quiet frequently state" whose the man"( this is usually followed by a fist stroking my shoulder!...im trying to become modest and to be less elaborate too!
and thanks a lot for the encouraging remarks! will try to be more frequent with my posts !
@ unknown user...you crazy ass i should have replied to your comment long time back...just didnt get the time from pestering you at work! ha! :P
psst...im still slimmer than you..despite the candies, pizzas, chocklates and endless coke! ha! howzzat!
Well good.... quite interesting...
its seems that yur blog freaks....
can tell how develop my blog
i like ur way of approaching life......let me suggest u a way of reducing temper....take long breath and relax....then again and again take air in to lungs and make long breath...u can feel the change....
"i even bullied my manager into reading it! so im nw officially allowed to read your blog!"
Lucky You!
Unfortunately blogspot is blocked at work for obvious reasons. Which is actually a good thing for I wouldnt want my manager to read mine as I do tend to trash the company in my blogs once in a while.
Ironically only time in the day I am free to blog is the 10-12 hours i spend in office :(
Hence i am down to a blog a month or so. Working full time and freelancing as a content writer means no time for fun writing. Only 2 Blogs and 2 Poems this year so far. All I write is geeky techie reviews to make up for the taxes and pay for the beer.
You are lucky to have a job where you can just write all day. Someday I hope to be good enough to have a similar job.
But all this apart write your next blog and enlighten me!
While i was reading this, I could see the same pace at which u were writing this.. tough to do so.. especailly when writing bout one self..
and you said
"Too easy to win me over...few caring words...little consideration or mayb loads of it...and I love you already! Fake praise however will take you nowhere!"
you think all the caring words spoken to you werent fake??
-nice post
-keep writing
Gawd! u r mindblowing!
But still the line..
"im a girl whose as strong as any guy is..." bit depressing..
Gal ,guys pretend to be strong.. otherwise every human is wired similarlly strong!:)
Ciao Amigo!
@ mohdrzbn: hey thanks man...how to develop a blog...tough luck...i aint that smart...i just write! marketing is limited to office premises! but write your heart out...and add tags for sure at the end. They would get u traffic. so..
@shafeeq: sighhhhh...sighhhhh..im trying to calm down...but its not helping..oooo maybe because I am not angry right now! Thanks for the tip man. The only problem is that when I am angry my hands and mouth seem to have a mind of their own! nevertheless...i will try to follow your advice! thanks!
@ che: heyloz back again! dude i bad mouth my company in the presence of my manager...vice president and others. I have a wierd philosophy...i guess bad mouthing the company gives the impression that you are irreplaceable since no1 in their right frame of mind would be doing it unless they knew their true worth and hence the company is misleaded into thinking that you are 'talented'.
tip for you- write the blog in word file in the office..thats what i do ;)
Don't count my chickens! I write pathetic university content...recently got better work alloted..so covering the whole of education industry now...and some other stuff...video shooting n interviews n stuff...better work...but im sure i wll soon be sackeD! the higher you climb the sooner you are sacked out...psstt...im actually allocating work to my ex-manager!!!!
but hey you really should write more often. total of 4 posts in a year won't quench my thirst! bring on moreeee!!!!
my new post should come soon...the day i reach home on time...n am in my senses!
Well dudette, when you are one of the 22000 zombies working for the mega evil corporation then you are easily dispensable :(
sweetheart i wouldnt be complaining if those buggers hadnt blocked Word, wordpad notepad or anything that could be used to create anything other then utter bullshit called work. Even pen and paper isnt allowed.
Well my work involved bullying 15 people to work and then chasing a billion targets and then getting stinkers from managers for not meeting a few of them. And my part time writing is review of electronics that i never get to see let alone actually hold in my hands :P
video shooting and interviews huh....reminds of this short film script I wrote in March and was supposed to shoot but havent been able to due to lack of location. yes you read it right. location!
Hope to wrap it up soon once i locate the location.
Well the medicine for insomnia makes me incoherent when i am up at home so it will take a long extended weekend to get something sensible out of me again.
In the mean while ill wait for your post for inspiration.
very nicely written blog? wanna exchange link?
What turns me on?
* Intelligence. Not good looking but got the brains...bring it on!
I don't looj bad either. :-/
P.S.- I like the name 'Satan Queen' *drools*
@ che: Man!!! im truly scared of your work place now! May lord save thy soul! Pen and paper isnt allowed!!! How do you survive!!! I have this habit of scribbling wid my pen...anything incomprehensible n incoherent too works for me! Phew! Hail to ya!
Sorry for the late reply...my work place has made me turn into a robot!
@ tania: sure! And thanks!
@sutta: ummm i don't know about how 'droolable' my name is but ya...your name reminds me of sumthing I can't seem to work without!
Lol! You remind me of my best friend! She beat the crap out of one guy who felt her up when she'd been to Goa! Keep the kicking goin' & we just might have an answer to eve-teasing. Vigilante justice!
And neat post by the way. I find it extremely difficult to turn my rants in to a post!
hey kartik...Im so darn impressed by ur friend! So wish I was there to witness the bashing session! I would have loved to join in!
And thanks for the encouraging comment...it has motivated me to beat up more guys! ;)
Kya baat hai, meri jaan!
I know you...and I know that every word here is truth personified...lol...lagey raho!
great stuff to read.....good verse and a simple personality....real strong girl i must say
u r a lot dumber than i thought.
u r a lot dumber than i thought.
Where is the next blog??? huh huh huh????
coming soon...I hope!
wat makes u so narcissist...
btw very well written :P
haha.. i liked the point about MCP's.
thoroughly enjoyable
good post!!!
Good god women grow up from the black board and white calk school days. Its just a no-brainer combo. why the hell do u people write about u r personal preferences on blogs. I like pink heels, white tops, got temper etc etc. Nobody gives a rats ass whet u prefer. Good life changing experiences, strange happenings, soul replenishing poetry etc etc is what is worth reading and remembering. For gods sake change the bgcolor lest u dress much worse ...
nice entertaining blog..a refreshing change from most of the blogs where people dig deep inside themselves and bring out worthless thoughts and realizations...when is the next post coming?
U analyse urself very well.....
gud work gal!!!!!!
I wud like to analyse.. jus like u....
happy blogging...!!!!
Be regular...atleast hereafter.....hehe
To get this posting sent to an elite group of 1250 registered members each day, consider competing (by submitting) for the top voted spot at www.newzly.com - good luck !
Miss Satan Queen ,please be regular......Your blog is great.
visit www.isundeep.blogspot.com
nice play of words in context lady,fun and facts intermingled judiciously..pen on and yeah the satan queen does exist everywhere...doesn't she?????
its amazing to see how you describe the very core of your being and life to the detail..
its like you feel strongly about yourself and whatever you do
i being a confused rat adore that in people.
Thanks a lot everyone...you guys have been too generous, a few lost their mind while writing the blog too though.
Reference- mr. anonymous who states "Good god women grow up from the black board and white calk school...For gods sake change the bgcolor lest u dress much worse"
Dude, this blog is a personal space; comments though are always welcome. I love black..even if that helps me win the worst dressed female of the year!
Next time around..drop in your name...don't be scared of me...I don't go on a killing spree- technical issues online, you see!
Psst...turns out some 43 people out here do give a 'rats ass'...for that matter even you did...you took out couple of seconds from your 'previous life' to make a comment out here...
hey....firstly, i liked the 'Satan Queen' nickname...u shud change ur blog frm Midnight Scribble to Satan Queen! (jus an opinion).
Ur writing is punchy...but a bit too long i guess. For some reason, u remind me of Meg Cabbot and Princess Diaries...as well as Avril Lavigne....
hope i like more of ur posts...
crisp writing..
last comment had spelling mistakes. * yawn* am feeling too sleepy.
by the way.. *yawn*. There's too much about you in there. :P
I seriously need my fag break.
hmmm that was quite entertaining...satan queen revelaing her darker side it seems..pretty good read though :)
hey.. m truly amazed (lik most others) on how can you be so good at self-exploration.. well.. you have tried to portray every facet of your persona rite in frnt of everyone (some of the things you mentioned do come with a 'beware' sign for ppl around you).. but thats just perfect..
jokes apart.. i hope you do not end up having typecasted yourself like this.. n i really wish you are not judgnmental otherwise..
wonderful treat for critical readers though.. keep it up..
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