Indian government is going hoarse talking about the importance of using condoms. 'Do it after the age of 18...and with CONDOMS! Yah! We are listening. Go on. ' It's 99% safe. So what about the rest 1% of risk? Pat comes the reply, don't have premarital sex! Ah! The agony of life...not for me but for most! :P
I can't resist doing a bit of plagiarism here..I will make a pout and say,"Honey, its inspiration" and hope the cute pout works and you believe me! Anyways there is this sms that I got from a friend. You know if you wanna have completely safe sex then try this- Have sex with not one bubble on but two! Yah, thats true. To be ultra safe, try this- Between the 2 bubbles apply some red chilli powder..if the inner breaks, the girl will know and if the out one breaks, the guy will know. Result? You get plenty of time to make amends and hopefully, if you are the super h***y types or if the damsel in question is ouch, so hot, you can start off again! Now, only if the medical dept. of India would have thought of such nice ways to prevent pregnancy! But then again, not all can be as smart as me ( or as modest!)!
Anyways, the reason I started scribbling this post was not because I had this sudden urge to 'make love' but because of an incident that transpired in the morning. My invisible wings have finally found new life...I have moved out of house and found a place closer to my workplace. Pretty cool, eh? Saturday, 10:10 a.m. was definitely the most inauspicious time. The night before, it had rained crazy and the wind was blowing like a maniac. Needless to say, when I was stepping down the stairs the garbage from the previous day had spread lazily on the stairs. Wasn't much, for we don't cook at home. By 'we' I don't mean my hot fantasy guy but my flatmate.
So, anyways, as luck would have it -- her luck! *chuckle* -- she pointed towards the tissue papers and stuff spread on the stairs. Honestly I couldn't care less. I mean, seriously WTF!Its plain garbage and the lady will come and take it away! I have better things to worry the non-existence of hot, yummilicious guys in office or in the vicinity! Just as she pointed towards that specific tissue in question, the poor chap had a friend sitting besides it and quiet proudly I must say!
Yes, people, it was a CONDOM! ta da!!! Now, I have not been getting naughty or even slightly you get the picture.
My poor flatmate, the brave (and repulsive, idiotic, pathetic, disgusting, detestable, execrable, raunchy, odious, repugnant, abhorrent, obscene, lewd, abominable, hideous, repulsive, salacious and blah blah blah) girl that she is, she went on about the lazy lady who had better work to do than come clean our garbage at night! Why, the lady wasnt even considerate enough about our poor stairs and my flatmate! She should have come running at 11:00 p.m. to take away our garbage for it was windy. Such are the ruthless people in this world. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.....endless sigh's...Yawn.
The used bubble was sitting there like a proud owner of the stairs, or actually the house. I couldn't help but scrutinize it as I was 'cuming' down the stairs. (Damn I can snort when I laugh! Fuck!). The innocent looking light pinkish thing. And then I saw the disgusting thing floating inside it. Yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Enough! Time to move on!!!
This incident made my few grey cells to work overtime...they are fewer left now, thanks to that sublime sight. Bubbles are for precaution. Lot of people use them. Well, in India its a different story all together. How else would you justify the buses swarming with people or the metros too even for that matter? Yesterday only I was talking to a hot office friend about the plight of trying desperately to push against your butt or anywhere else for that matter. Sex education is badly needed in schools. Why else would they push against all the wrong places? Someone tell them that female body is not covered with holes all over for gods sake! I am definitely not suggesting that they push/touch/feel somewhere else though!
Getting back to the main point, when people can use bubbles as they would rather use precaution than worry later, why can't they take as much precaution in disposing them? Next time on, do thy neighbor a favor, dispose them properly!
Anyways, the innocent pink plastic is still sleeping on the stairs of our house hoping to be re-used again. I am wondering if someone would be kind enough to clean it up before I reach back home at night. Hence the post!
Most men dont even know how to put a rubber correctly hence the tearing!
Btw the chilli powder idea is *not* good, see Apocalypto to understand why :P
yaa... ure right we seriously need sum sex education here in india... and also one tight slap to the person who thght of the chilly powder idea.. weird ideas... in fact i wud advise not to use 2 condoms.. because of friction between them chances of tearing is more... :)
u really gave an intense detailed description of tht garbage much tht even i can visualize it.. really yucky.... lol...
nwz nice blog .. keep it goin satan...
That is just nothing. I once saw a vagrant kid blowing a balloon with his mouth and playing with it. I just happened to get closer and it was not a balloon. It was a used condom that must have been on the road all washed up. I told the small kid to throw it away cos its garbage. Nope the poor kid wouldn't listen. Think about that. Guys come on man don't create bigger problems in an effort to fix smaller ones. Act responsibly.
Men r weird creatures. U r talkin abt them shoving n touching in Metros.U shld kno tht they get aroused jst by a view of a discarded sanitary napkin or a bra hung out to dry.
Indian male.. the most sex starved creature.
Am so glad I came across this blog...was in splits reading ur post...but ya we indians definitely need a whole lot of sex education...anyways awesome post!! education is must!
But...your sorry state description of this rubber really gave me that yuky...feeling...Why make our already plastic life sick with more stuff...PPL..U GOT TO KEEP IT SIMPLE!
@CHE- This definitely explains the rising population of India!
@Shashi- Aye aye doctor! I am sure million of men in every nook and corner are following you as their idol and shouting 'no to condoms'!
@anonymous- Kudos to you dude for bringing a different and serious perspective to the limelight. It is indeed time that people start acting more maturely for their actions can have serious after-effects.
@nostradamus- I couldn't agree less! An inch of skin showing from under the shirt is enough to make them drool!
@web satan- dude, I don;t get to hear muffled 'ooh aah yes baby!' at no point congratulating me! But thanks anyways!
@Murtgah- Thank you for such kind words! Keep coming bck sire!
@Dexter buzy- Great to see ya after a long time!Seems like you agree with Doc Shashi...!
sudhar jaaa....
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